How Can I Help?
Hello and thanks for visiting my website. If you are considering help for yourself, a family member or colleague I’d be happy to chat on the phone 07929 9847064 or by answering questions at
Since qualifying in the Human Givens approach in 2013 I have been helping people of all ages to understand and manage difficult emotions, to relieve anxiety and depression whatever the cause. Originally I trained in massage therapy which I practised alongside running a natural health clinic. For many years I treated clients wanting to relax or ease their aches and pains but also some who were seeking an escape from the way they were feeling and the way it was impacting on the quality of their lives. Driven by a desire to help as much as possible I took courses on Person Centred Counselling, Body Mirror Healing, Reiki, Pulsing and meditation.
It wasn’t until I was given a book Freedom from Addiction by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell that I realised I had found an extremely commonsensical and evidently highly efffective approach to getting better quickly. The training was rigorous, eye opening and life changing. To date, it is the only psychology training that demonstrates live sessions in their entirety so you can witness exactly what methods and techniques are used and how effectively. In turn, trainees have to submit films of themselves performing real-life sessions.
The following is what some clients fed back to me after our sessions:
I have been feeling so much more quiet inside. All that negative internal chatter seems to have gone and I can cope with challenges of the day. My old confidence is back. Michael, Head Teacher
I understand now why I was overeating and that really helps. Never let a positive thought (about bingeing) go unchallenged sticks in my head. Whenever times are difficult I use the 7 11 breathing and I just move onto something else. I feel so much more as though I can trust myself around food. Kate, Mum
I was having panic attacks nearly every day and now touch wood I haven t had one for over a month. Simon, Ex Military
My migraines have stopped!!! Hallelujah. I’ve been using the techniques you taught me about moving away from the pain and they work. I’m so grateful. Maureen, Civil Servant 60